Friday, May 28, 2010

Another busy Friday with yet more progress on our wearable arts.
We are working well as a team to make many of our creations and
lots are now onto the final touches.
Next week we will begin practicing walking down the catwalk in
preparation for the big night in only 3 weeks time!
Thanks again to all our wonderful parent helpers!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 6 REACH Bubble.

Todays REACH bubble was chosen by Mrs O,Loughlin as she was impressed by Emilys and Jaxons creativity on Friday.
Well done to you both.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Wearable Arts Update

We continue working very hard making our wearable arts. Thank you again for all your support. Not long to go now until the big night where our creations will be on show!

The Bad Tempered Ladybird

Today's Language Experience was "The Bad Tempered Ladybird" by Eric Carle. We tried to come up with different ways to make ladybird feel better. Come in and check out the wall display we created with our friends from Room 6.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Poetry Competition

A big thank you to all the Room 7 children who presented their poem so well in the elimination rounds. The standard was extremely high. Congratulations to Flynn (Year 1 ) and to Neve (Year 2) who made it through to the finals. This is to be on Wednesday may 26 at 11.00 am. All are welcome.

Week 5 REACH bubbles.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cross Country

What a fantastic day for the Cross Country! Well done everyone for trying so hard and running as fast as you could. Good luck to all the children who got 1st,2nd, 3rd and 4th today and are off to the Tri-Schools Cross country next week! I look forward to hearing about your results!

Wearable Arts

We have been very busy over the last 4 weeks working on creating fantastic creepy crawlies for Wearable Arts.

The children have been working hard with lots of different things including papier mache, crayon rubbings, painting, collage, handprints and much much more! It has been lots of fun and their has been lots of mess along the way. It is great to see many of our creepy crawlies beginning to take shape .

A huge thank you to all who have come along to help us. Your contributions are amazing. Please remember we welcome any extra hands to help us get our creations to the wearable stage, and if Fridays don't suit you , pop in at a time that does!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Reading Time

Reading time in Room 7 is always very busy. Apart from every child having an instructional reader they are actively encouraged to become independent learners by engaging in any number of the following activities.
Story Writing, spelling, computer work, reading games, and reading,reading,reading.
Today Georgia, wrote this story.

Today Connor is going to pre-school and he took Mousey in his Thomas bag. He might play with Jack and Jamie and he might play with Mousey. When he comes home home he might tell me how his day was. Connor really likes going to pre-school.

Also Ollie has shown us how he created words by filling in the medial vowel.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Digital camera pictures.

As part of our digital imagery learning and assessment the children have been taking photos of 'creepy crawlies'.