Saturday, February 22, 2014

Kandinsky Inspired Art

Today for Art we explored how to mix our own colours using the primary colours of red, yellow and blue. We know how to mix  purple, green and orange.  We enjoyed mixing different shades of these colours and exploring how to make them darker, lighter and brighter  by using more or less of one of the primary colours.  As we painted we enjoyed listening to the classical music of Vivaldi's Four Seasons.
Our artworks were inspired by Russian-French painter ,Wassily Kandinsky (1866 – 1944). He heard colours in music and he saw music in colours and shapes . Circles were very common in his artworks and he helped to make people think about art in a different way and inspire many other future artists! Perhaps one of us!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fabulous Friday Fun!

Friday fun is back with Room 6!  We will join with Room 6 on Friday mornings for lots of fun and exciting discoveries. We will experiment, explore, talk, make and create!
Check out some of the ideas set up in our discovery zones!

Can you make the torch work?

These will certainly help our finger muscles and hand-eye coordination to  get us ready for lots of writing!

 We are learning about colours and colour mixing for Art this term.  This experiment shows us what colours we get when we mix each of the primary colours together. 

We also learned  that water can go up! 

 Come in and check out these gorgeous owls that we made with Mrs Robinson during Language Experience!  We listened so carefully and  came up with lots of white hat facts about owls.   

Whew!  What a busy Friday!