Friday, March 28, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!

A touch of creativity with these lovely autumn trees made by using corks and paint ! 
Check out Cory's creative green hat thinking using autumn leaves!

We also made delicious pikelets with Claire. Thank you for your help!

We have begun the process of creating a night sky for our moon pictures that go with the story Papa, please bring me the moon by Eric Carle.
We learnt about adding white to blue to create different tints of blue.
We know lots of good words to describe the moon.  Can you think of some more?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fresh Fruit Friday and Other Fun!

 Wow!  What a selection of interesting and colourful fresh fruit we had to try today! 

We tried lots of things that we had never tried before!

We discovered: 
some were sweet, 
some were sour, 
some were spiky,
some were rough
some were smooth
and some were slippery!

We even had 2 delicious coconuts to open and taste their flesh and milk!

It was delicious! 

We love to have fun at Fitness time with our Room 6 buddies.  Our leaders are awesome! Today we tried some shape jumping! We had to find shapes with straight and curved sides and say the names of the different shapes as we jumped through them! 

 Well done all these super readers who have gone up a colour in their reading! Watch this space for more to come! 
Let's get reading with  the Great Room 7 Reading Race!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fabulous Friday Fun!

Wow! What a busy and exciting day we have had.  
 We are so lucky to have Luci and her mum Claire help us learn to speak some Mandarin.  We are learning to count to 5, say hello and I love you! Today Claire helped us make our own sushi. It was delicious!

We were very creative. Thank you Riley G for bringing your idea for discovery! It was very popular.  

We made lots of discoveries about things that absorb and things that do not absorb water.

After morning tea we had fun creating colourful butterflies with a buddy.  We showed some great team work!

Friday, March 7, 2014

A Very Busy Spider!

 Today we had lots of fun reading Eric Carle's The Very Busy Spider.
We had to listen very carefully and remember the order in which the animals came in the story so we could retell it at the end!  We did very well!  Check out these Eric Carle inspired spiders we created. We recycled paper that we had painted last week when experimenting with lots of different painting tools.  


Over the last few weeks we have been having lots of fun making discoveries about things that dissolve, spin, are magnetic and float or sink. These are hugely popular spaces at Discovery Time! 

Floating and sinking