Wednesday, June 23, 2010

White Out Day.


All the children at Ashley school were invited to support our wonderful Soccer Team at the WORLD CUP by dressing in white in preparation for their Friday morning game. Here is our happy team of Room 7 children. Psst ! It was also noted that a number of teachers showed their support too. This was seen by dressing gowns, turbans, aprons, surgical stockings and jodhpurs- all in white. What ever were they thinking of ????

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What an evening!!!


What an amazing evening Friday night was! It was a marvelous opportunity for our community to come together and celebrate the enormous efforts put in by our children, our families, friends and staff in an event that will be remembered by many for a very long time!

The huge marque with a run way lit up by fairy lights and surrounded by beautifully set up tables and an audience who was buzzing with excitement provided a fantastic setting for us to show case our Creepy Crawlies garments that we have been working so hard on all term.

Check out the slideshow below with just a few of the many images captured on the evening of our Creepy Crawlies. Enjoy!

We are so proud of all the children in Rooms 6 & 7 . It was a huge night for you all and you showed great courage and pride in sharing your creations with our community! You are fantastic!

Thank you once again to everyone who helped us along the way. Your efforts were truly amazing and enabled a small school like Ashley to put on a top class extravaganza.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our ' Inquiry' on worms.

As you may have already heard by now we are studying worms as part of our Inquiry. After making a multi-layered worm farm (beside the school garden) we proceeded to make a Vivarium 'a home for worms'. Pictured below is our class vivarium . The  layers began with damp  newspaper, followed by dirt, flour, sand and more dirt. Finally leaves and scraps went on the top. Several big fat Tiger worms were selected to live in our vivarium. Already the children can see how active the worms have been.
 It has been great to see the knowledge that children are bringing to this' Inquiry' and the things that we are learning on the way

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Only one week to go before we walk down the run way for Wearable Arts! We are getting very excited. We hope you are too!

Language Experience

Today we read "Mr Fox" by Gavin Bishop and had fun creating animals from the story using playdough and rods!

We worked so well today that we had parachute fun before home time!

Friday, June 4, 2010


This week the Enviro group helped Room 6 & 7 children plant strawberries in our new gardens.

We are now in the final stages of preparation for the Wearable Arts show. The creepy crawlies are looking fabulous. Here are just a couple of the creations that you can look forward to seeing on the catwalk! Again we must say a big thank you for all your support both at school and home to help us.