Sunday, June 20, 2010

What an evening!!!


What an amazing evening Friday night was! It was a marvelous opportunity for our community to come together and celebrate the enormous efforts put in by our children, our families, friends and staff in an event that will be remembered by many for a very long time!

The huge marque with a run way lit up by fairy lights and surrounded by beautifully set up tables and an audience who was buzzing with excitement provided a fantastic setting for us to show case our Creepy Crawlies garments that we have been working so hard on all term.

Check out the slideshow below with just a few of the many images captured on the evening of our Creepy Crawlies. Enjoy!

We are so proud of all the children in Rooms 6 & 7 . It was a huge night for you all and you showed great courage and pride in sharing your creations with our community! You are fantastic!

Thank you once again to everyone who helped us along the way. Your efforts were truly amazing and enabled a small school like Ashley to put on a top class extravaganza.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful job you all did. It was lovely to you all on the cat walk in your creations. well done
