Friday, May 23, 2014

We are paleontologists!

Today we had so much fun becoming paleontologists at school! 
Some of us loved it so much that we want to be one when we grow up!
First we read a poem and looked at a book to help us learn about what  job these scientists do and how dinosaur fossils were created.
Then we began searching for our very own  "fossils"! We pretended  the chocolate bits in biscuits were "fossils".  We had to work carefully and slowly with toothpicks to dig the bits out! It took a very long time and we had to be very patient! 
 Once we had found all the "fossils" we counted them and recorded this information on our sheet. 
Finally we got to eat our "fossils"- yummy!

 We also created dinosaur worlds from old shoe boxes, material and natural objects from around the school. This was lots of fun and we all had different ideas about what we wanted to include in our worlds. 


  1. Yes! So much fun again today. Mrs. R.

  2. Wow! I am so impressed Room 7. Such creative scientists!

  3. Hi Room 7, not only are you budding athletes but great artists as well!! Thanks for your gorgeous card. XC was such fun this year.

  4. Great photos Room 7!! Keep it up :)
