Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Well goodness, week one is already whizzing past!

It has been an exciting first week back as we discuss new our new topic SPACE, start some singing and printmaking, write recounts about our fantastic holidays and begin racing again!

Racing in a rocket this time. All we have to read is fifty books this term to get a prize!

A winner was found from the Term 1&2  car race.

Congratulations to Riley G who was placed FIRST after reading 100 books during terms 1 & 2. He won the ultimate prize of a trophy to keep forever!!

A fantastic effort Riley! Well done from all of us!

Our runner up in SECOND place was Lachlan Rowe. He also read an amazing 100 books, just not quite as quickly. 

Congratulations to you for your amazing effort Lachlan!

A quick heads up: Room 7 Newsletter went out today!

Take care out there.

1 comment:

  1. My what a busy term ahead! Well done you READERS. A great effort from you all. Mrs.R.
